From 16 April to 20 June 2015 the Helmholtz Alliance ROBEX presented an exhibition at the House of Science Bremen (HdW), which makes first results of the cooperation between deep sea and space research visible for the general public. The exhibition offers first the opportunity to experience unexpected synergies and to understand the added value of an unusual collaboration.
It is a particular claim of the exhibition to inspire the spirit of exploration and discovery of young people. Therefore, a flanking exciting school project to lunar and deep-sea robotics takes place. An addition, a social media mediated interactive game, where ronots explore the city of Bremen, suggests another link between young people and the exhibition.
The exhibition shows extraordinary testimonies of the two extreme environments, provides insight into the progress of the development of robotics and instruments and allows visitors to experience how difficult it is to control robot precisely in inaccessible areas. Experience for yourself how robots replace „your eyes“, „your arms“, „your nose“ in extrem environments and thus bring light into the darkness. And „fly“ by using the „Tranzendators“ in a capsule in the depths of the oceans and our solar system! More information about the exhibition can be found here. More photos of the exhibition opening, click here.